Aging is a privilege. No one wants to die young yet we lament each passing year? My hope is that we all live the extraordinary lives we dream of. I’m definitely just getting started! Loved this post and your brilliant way of articulating new ways to see the world.

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Thank you so much, Celia. I am loving your health journey and all that you are teaching us about ways to explore our well-being. xx

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Thank you! From my POV, it has been interesting to consider "aging" through the lens of longevity and healthspan. I want our cells to stay young — meaning they have the energy to power us, heal us or do whatever they are supposed to do! We are living longer so let's learn how to live WELL (in all definitions of that word).

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Im on board with this-lucky ones get to get to see themselves age.

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Love this, Christine. Like you, I have fumbled to find an alternative, but you are right, a word shift is not tantamount to a paradigm shift. It's crazy that despite our numbers (25% of the US population is a woman over 40), we are still so culturally underrepresented. But there are many beautiful voices and minds out there working to chip away at outdated narratives, and I think the more we can show through our stories that life can, in many ways, get better; that we get better, the more comfortable we can all get with capital A Aging! Not even remotely close to done over here...

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Dina, you are just warming up! I love the collective voices changing the perception of Aging but know we have a long way to go. Psyched we are doing it alongside one another. xx

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At 47 I suddenly feel like I really know who I am and certainly what I’m not. It’s so releasing me of tensions and other people’s expectations - or, what’s worse - my perception of other people’s expectations.

I feel like still the best is yet to come. If this is aging, I welcome it with open arms 😌

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Ewelina, what a perfect recap of what we are gaining with age — so glad you have stepped into this era with open arms. Thank you so much for being here! xx

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Thank you Christine and thank you for this place and your insightful newsletter

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What a wonderful piece, thank you for sharing your POV - always ! You are authentically consistent with your writing about aging, beauty, vulnerabilty, “less is more” and changing the narrative we tell ourselves based on media and fear of aging instead of what you highlight to all of us….live boldly and ballsy, take charge our journey we all have so much to offer. Love all the comments from you women. Christine you sure know how to engage others and make an impact !

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Yes, cultural programming runs deep. Even as a cancer survivor who claims every day as grace, aging is a mixed bag. But mostly it’s pretty great. We live in a time where we have such incredible resources to extend our well-being, plus we get smarter! I wouldn’t go back to 20 or 30 even if I could.

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Aging is a privilege, not a problem. And its only now, at almost 45, that I feel I have enough experience under my belt to begin crafting the best life for myself. Thank you for keeping this conversation alive and well!

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Always! More to come...xx

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I can’t wait to hear our episode! I’m Not Dead is the stellar brainchild of Christina Glickman and Sarah Clary — check these creative geniuses and I’m Not Dead out on social!

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Prepping for airing our convo on Actual People and found this. I love this Not Dead Yet company you mention. I'm intrigued!

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